VIN Information


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Manufacturer: KTM AG
Vehicle Type: MOTORCYCLE
Model Year: 2004
Make: KTM
Model: Enduro Four-Stroke
Displacement (cc): 800
Body Class: Motorcycle - Dual Sport / Adventure / Supermoto / On/Off-road
Series: Other Usage/On Highway
Plant Country: AUSTRIA

Theft Claim


Motorcycle Image
Theft Date: 2022-Sep-22
Make: KTM
Model Year: 2004
Theft Location: City Terrace, California
Police Dept: CHP
Phone: (323) 981-5351
Report Num: 922-14237-0272-095
Title Location: South El Monte, California
Plate Num: 22M3478
Description: Orange, used 2004 KTM 625 SMC Supermoto.
What happened: It was stolen from outside my house at 2:30 am. A grey 2 door Ford Explorer pulled up and an average built Hispanic male about 5’8 wearing black shirt and black shirt with short/shaved dark hair got on the bike. Did not turn it on just pushed it down the steep hill. Videos from different angles captured.

Associated License Plates

  • California - 22M3478
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